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Small black kitten sitting next to bananas

Can Cats Eat Bananas Safely?

4 min read

We know at least one other member of the animal kingdom that won’t say no to a banana feast. Monkeys do enjoy their bananas, but what do cats think of this sweet yellow fruit? Keep reading to find out if cats can eat bananas and whether owners should offer them as a treat to their feline companions.


Can cats eat bananas?

Although bananas are not toxic for cats, it is not recommended to include them in your pet’s daily diet. Bananas are high in sugar which can lead to diabetes and weight problems. So, even though cats can have bananas, it’s better to offer them in moderation or even avoid them altogether if your pet has certain medical conditions such as diabetes.

Ask your vet for advice before offering that first banana bite to your cat.

Are bananas good for cats?

Bananas are an incredibly nutrient-rich fruit which is why it has easily found its reputation as a healthy snack in human diets. The fibre, magnesium, potassium and vitamin C all make this fruit great for us.

But when it comes to cats there are better sources of nutrients than the good old banana. Specially-formulated cat food will usually take care of all the nutritional needs felines might have, so there is no real need to add fruits to their diets.

Even more, cats are often quite indifferent to sweet foods such as bananas. And if your cat is the odd one out, enjoying a bite every once in a while, remember that bananas and their high sugar content can have a negative effect on your pet’s health without portion control and moderation.

If you want to find out more about getting the balance right when feeding your cat, check out our easy guide.


How to feed bananas to your cat

If your cat keeps pleading for a banana bite, you can offer one every once in a while, provided the vet hasn’t advised otherwise. Remove the banana peel and keep it out of your pet’s sight. Banana peels can’t be properly digested by cats, so it’s always better to make sure the two don’t cross paths. Cut the banana into bite-sized pieces before offering it to your cat. Start with a small tasting at first and keep an eye on your pet in case there are any unusual reactions.

Allergic reactions to bananas are incredibly rare, but they can happen to cats. Contact the vet if you notice any allergic symptoms.

Can kittens eat bananas?

Adult cats can eat bananas, but what about the younger ones? For the first 12 months of their life, kittens should be fed specially-formulated food with high levels of protein, calcium, magnesium and other important nutrients.

However, small treats can also be gradually introduced towards the end of this period, including bananas. Remember, it’s always best to ask the vet before feeding new foods to your cat.

If you’re not sure what to feed a kitten, discover the helpful tips in our article.


Are cats afraid of bananas?

Judging by the number of online videos depicting felines in the throes of a meltdown at the sheer sight of a banana, the answer may be yes. But what exactly about this tropical fruit makes feline instincts go haywire? The culprit might be the banana peel itself which emanates ethyl acetate. Cats are not big fans of the smell, prompting some owners to rub banana peels on their favourite furniture to keep it safe from cat’s paws.

In summary, cats can eat bananas but in moderation and always under the owner’s supervision to make sure that in case of an allergic reaction or an upset stomach, they can help their pet as soon as possible. Next, find out how to choose healthy cat treats and how to stay away from the ones that may be toxic for your pet.