Your Pet, Our Passion.
White dog looking at a bowl of strawberries

Can Dogs Eat Strawberries? Benefits & Safety

3 min read

Strawberries make a delicious snack for us and not to mention they’re also incredibly healthy! But this has got many of us wondering, do these benefits extend to our four-legged friends too? Read our guide to find out if dogs can eat strawberries and if they’re as good for us as they are for them!

The summertime is a wonderful season full of blue skies, green fields and of course it just so happens to be strawberry season too! To us humans, these delicious little berries are a superfood and we often find ourselves munching at them or loading them into a healthy smoothie. However, whilst we’re enjoying these juicy, sweet fruits, we’ll likely be watched by a big, soft pair of eyes pleading to allow them just one bite.

The notorious ‘puppy dog eyes’ trick is one we’re all familiar with and one we all fall prey to, but can dogs eat strawberries? Are strawberries good for dogs? Keep reading to find out if you can let your pup join you in your next snack time.


Can dogs eat strawberries?

Yes, dogs can eat strawberries, but they do contain sugar so they should always be given in moderation. Be sure to only feed a small amount (just like you would with any snack) and follow the guideline that treats should make up no more than 10% of their daily calorie intake.


Are strawberries good for dogs?

No, fruits are high in sugar and can lead to a range of health problems in dogs including obesity, dental disease and diabetes.

Strawberries do contain a range of vitamins and minerals but if your pet is already fed a complete food there is no additional nutritional benefit from them. However, they should be considered a treat and fed in small quantities.

Can I give canned or strawberries in syrup when fresh ones are out of season?

No, never give your dog canned strawberries or ones in syrup. These varieties contain very high sugar content which is bad for your pet. These products can also contain the artificial sweetener xylitol which is highly poisonous to dogs. Xylitol has many names including E 967, birch sugar and meso-xylitol.


How should I feed my dog strawberries?

You should first give them a thorough wash to clean away any dirt or residue. Next, trim off the stem and cut the strawberry up into smaller pieces to prevent choking. If you have a smaller dog or if they prefer their food a little mushy, you can try mashing it up for them too.

Although dogs can eat strawberries, when giving them for the first time it’s always best to exercise caution in case it causes diarrhoea and only offer them a small amount.

If your pet develops stomach upset or any issues after eating strawberries, avoid feeding them again in the future. If you’re concerned about your dog after they’ve eaten something new for the first time, always contact your vet straight away.

Remember, just like us, our dogs have taste preferences, so if they turn their nose away or spit it out, it may be that strawberries are just not for them!